Unit trusts

Get access to professionally managed investments by buying a portion of a fund, also known as units.

Accessing markets and managers

Unit trusts cover a variety of asset classes such as equities, bonds and the money market. Some funds invest only in domestic assets or purely in offshore assets, while others invest in a mix of the two. Your choice of funds will depend on your personal circumstances, investment horizon and risk profile.

The Ninety One Investment Portfolio gives you cost-effective access to a wide range of local and offshore unit trusts across asset classes.

You can invest from as little as R1 000 a month and accessing your money is easy. It costs no more than a direct unit trust investment but offers more benefits.

Benefits of the Ninety One Investment Portfolio

Cost-effective access to professional fund management and financial markets.

A wide array of unit trusts from which to choose.

Access all your unit trusts in one place, simplifying the transaction, administration and reporting process.

Flexible investment period – buy or sell whenever you like.

Well regulated, which protects investors.

Transparent pricing and performance.

Here’s how it works

What you need to do:

Complete the Ninety One Investment Portfolio application form online. Select one or more funds from our range of funds and make a once-off and/or monthly investment in the fund. The minimum amount will depend on the fund selected. Each unit has a price, so how many units you get will depend on how much you invest.

View our Core Fund range

What happens with your money?

The fund managers invest your money in a portfolio of assets such as equities, bonds, cash and listed property, based on your fund selection.

The investment is managed on your behalf according to the fund’s objectives, for example, beating inflation over a certain time period. This plays a key role in determining the return on your investment.

What amounts may be invested?

  • Minimum lump sum: R100 000
  • Minimum recurring investment: R1 000 per month
  • Maximum: No limit

When can you access your money?

The investment term is flexible – you can add to your investment or withdraw whenever you want.

What are the tax implications?

Income tax

  • Levied at your marginal rate
  • For investors under 65 – no tax on the first R23 800 interest per year
  • For investors 65 and over – no tax on the first R34 500 interest per year

Capital gains tax

  • Individuals – first R40 000 gain p.a. is tax exempt; thereafter, 40% of any gain is taxed at the investor’s marginal rate
  • Trusts – 80% of any gain is taxed at 45%
  • Companies – 80% of any gain is taxed at 28%
  • All tax is levied in the hands of the investor

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Important information

All information and opinions provided are of a general nature and are not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. We are not acting and do not purport to act in any way as an advisor or in a fiduciary capacity. No one should act upon such information or opinion without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of a particular situation. We endeavour to provide accurate and timely information but we make no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the correctness, accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions. We do not undertake to update, modify or amend the information on a frequent basis or to advise any person if such information subsequently becomes inaccurate. Any representation or opinion is provided for information purposes only.

In the event that specific funds are mentioned please refer to the relevant fact sheet in order to obtain all the necessary information in regard to that fund.

Collective Investment scheme funds are generally medium to long term investments. The value of participatory interests may go down as well as up and past performance is not necessarily a guide to the future. Funds are traded at ruling prices and can engage in borrowing and scrip lending. The fund may borrow up to 10% of its market value to bridge insufficient liquidity. A schedule of charges, fees and adviser fees is available on request from the manager. Additional adviser fees may be paid and if so, are subject to the relevant FAIS disclosure requirements.

Investment Team: There is no assurance that the persons referenced herein will continue to be involved with investing for this Fund, or that other persons not identified herein will become involved with investing assets for the Manager or assets of the Fund at any time without notice.

Investment Process: Any description or information regarding investment process or strategies is provided for illustrative purposes only, may not be fully indicative of any present or future investments and may be changed at the discretion of the manager without notice. References to specific investments, strategies or investment vehicles are for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon as a recommendation to purchase or sell such investments or to engage in any particular strategy. Portfolio data is expected to change and there is no assurance that the actual portfolio will remain as described herein. There is no assurance that the investments presented will be available in the future at the levels presented, with the same characteristics or be available at all. Past performance is no guarantee of future results and has no bearing upon the ability of Manager to construct the illustrative portfolio and implement its investment strategy or investment objective.

Certain Ninety One SA funds are offered as long-term insurance policies issued by Ninety One Assurance Limited, a registered insurer in terms of the Long-term Insurance Act. These pooled products are administered by Ninety One SA (Pty) Ltd (an authorised financial services provider) and underwritten by Ninety One Assurance Limited.

This is the copyright of Ninety One SA (Pty) Ltd and its contents may not be re-used without Ninety One’s prior permission. Ninety One SA (Pty) Ltd is a member of the Association for Savings and Investment SA (ASISA). Ninety One SA (Pty) Ltd & Ninety One Investment Platform (Pty) Ltd are authorised financial services providers. Ninety One Fund Managers SA (RF) (Pty) Ltd and Ninety One Alternative Investments GP Proprietary Limited are registered under the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act.