Women and Investing

How to invest in your child’s education

In our four-part series, financial advisor Nicola Langridge from Private Client Holdings guides you through smart strategies to fund your child’s educational future. From setting clear goals to managing rising education costs, this series provides the tools to build a sustainable education investment plan.

27 Jan 2025

Episode 1: The smart parent's guide to goals-based education investments

Investing in your child's education doesn't have to feel overwhelming. Learn how to create a clear, goals-based plan that aligns with your financial priorities. From choosing the right investment options to understanding the value of starting early, gain practical tips to secure your child's future.

Episode 2: How to calculate future education costs

Discover practical strategies to estimate future education costs, plan for local and international university expenses, and stay ahead of rising tuition fees. Learn how to choose the right investment vehicles, such as TFSAs and unit trusts, and calculate realistic monthly savings to make investing in education achievable.

Episode 3: Financial planning to beat education inflation and rising costs

Rising education costs don't have to derail your financial goals. Learn effective ways to manage education inflation, adapt your financial plan to life's changes, and ensure your investments keep pace with rising expenses. Understand the difference between saving and investing for long-term success.

Episode 4: Unpacking parents' investment blind spots

We unpack common blind spots when planning for education costs. This episode offers insights to help you build a sustainable education investment strategy, from underestimating total expenses to avoiding overspending out of guilt. Learn to take a holistic approach, prioritise smartly, and avoid costly pitfalls.

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