Sustainable equity team

Global Environment Strategy

Invests in companies enabling the transition to a low-carbon world

Strategy overview

Have a quantifiable carbon saving impact

Investment Approach
Bespoke bottom-up investment process designed specifically to invest in decarbonisation

Investment Opportunity
Capturing the decarbonisation, disruption and innovation opportunity

Investment Universe
c.US$18 trillion market cap, ~1,700 companies, only 28% overlap with ACWI, 18% by weight

Net Zero Alignment
Investing to help drive a net zero world

Target Return
Outperform the performance comparison index (net of fees) over a full market cycle with a quantifiable carbon saving impact

Deirdre Cooper
Portfolio Manager
Graeme Baker
Portfolio Manager

The role the strategy can play in portfolios

Combines impact with financial returns

High conviction portfolio providing access to long term structural growth opportunities from sustainable decarbonisation

Diversifies equity exposure

Style complements core, value and high growth, while its alpha stream has been lowly correlated to equity factors

Provides carbon risk hedge

May offer a hedge to your portfolio’s existing carbon risk

Helps journey to decarbonisation

Invests in companies with quantifiable carbon avoided that contribute to sustainable decarbonisation

Investment Philosophy


The developing environmental sector is complex, and our specialist knowledge and proprietary research helps us to identify the most attractive opportunities


We believe that an unconstrained, focused approach to identifying the best quality companies in the sector, combined with a long-term investment horizon and active engagement, results in superior outcomes


Positive and negative externalities will increasingly be priced by the market


Companies benefitting from new structural growth themes offer the potential to compound returns at above average rates over protracted periods of time


Market participants systematically underestimate the quantum and persistence of returns in cases where businesses have sustainable long-term competitive advantages, resulting in exploitable inefficiencies

Key facts

  • Asset Subclass

    Global Equity
  • Currency

  • Inception date

  • Team

    Sustainable equity team
  • Geographical Focus

  • ESG Classification

  • Comparative Benchmark

    MSCI AC World Index NDR

Portfolio & Holdings

Date as of 31/12/2024
United States
Europe ex UK
Emerging Markets
United Kingdom
Far East ex Japan
Based on a related portfolio within the strategy with substantially similar objectives as those of the services being offered. The portfolio may change significantly over a short space of time. This is not a buy, sell or hold recommendation for any particular security. For further information on Indices and Specific Portfolio Names, please reference the sections in

Why Ninety One for Global Environment Strategy


Managed by a team with decades of experience investing in the environmental sector


Supported by an investment company which has sustainability at its core


Uses a proprietary method of identifying companies enabling decarbonisation and a comprehensive way of quantifying carbon risk and carbon avoided

Contact our client service teams.

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Concentrated portfolio

The portfolio invests in a relatively small number of individual holdings. This may mean wider fluctuations in value than more broadly invested portfolios.

Currency Exchange

Changes in the relative values of different currencies may adversely affect the value of investments and any related income.

Emerging Market (inc. China)

These markets carry a higher risk of financial loss than more developed markets as they may have less developed legal, political, economic or other systems.

Equity Investment

The value of equities (e.g. shares) and equity-related investments may vary according to company profits and future prospects as well as more general market factors. In the event of a company default (e.g. insolvency), the owners of their equity rank last in terms of any financial payment from that company.

Foreign Investment

Investing in foreign securities may be subject to risks pertaining to overseas jurisdictions and markets, including (but not limited to) local liquidity, macroeconomic, political, tax, settlement risks and currency fluctuations.

Sustainable strategies

Sustainable, impact or other sustainability-focused portfolios consider specific factors related to their strategies in assessing and selecting investments. As a result, they will exclude certain industries and companies that do not meet their criteria. This may result in their portfolios being substantially different from broader benchmarks or investment universes, which could in turn result in relative investment performance deviating significantly from the performance of the broader market.

The content of this website is made available for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an offer, marketing, solicitation or investment advice with respect to any investment products or services. The website has not been reviewed or approved by any regulatory authority and may contain information with respect to investments products that may not be registered in some jurisdictions.

Although we believe any information obtained from external sources to be reliable, we have not independently verified it, and we cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness (ESG-related data is still at an early stage with considerable variation in estimates and disclosure across companies. Double counting is inherent in all aggregate carbon data).

Any decision to invest in the Strategy described should be made after reviewing the offering document and conducting such investigation as an investor deems necessary and consulting its own legal, accounting and tax advisors in order to make an independent determination of suitability and consequences of such an investment. This material does not purport to be a complete summary of all the risks associated with this Strategy. A description of risks associated with the Strategy can be found in the relevant offering or other disclosure documents where applicable. Copies of such documents are available upon request.

Additional information on our investment strategies not found here ( may be provided on request.

For more information on our Ninety One ESG Classification, please click here