Gareth Penny

Gareth Penny

Independent Non-Executive Director and Chairman


Gareth was appointed as an independent non-executive director and Chairman of Ninety One Plc and Ltd on 19 November 2019.

Gareth was previously Chairman of Norilsk Nickel, Russia’s largest diversified mining and metals company, and of the Edcon Group, a private fashion retailer in southern Africa. He also served as a Non-Executive Director and Remuneration Committee Chairman of the Julius Baer Group and on the Senior Advisory Board of TowerBrook, a leading private equity firm.

For 22 years, Gareth was with De Beers and Anglo American, the last five of which he was group Chief Executive Officer of De Beers.

Gareth has had considerable experience in chairing both public and private boards and significant exposure to developing markets, wealth management, private equity and the financial sector.





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