Providing opportunity for growth and diversification to fixed income portfolios
Victoria Harling and Alan Siow share their views on how the investment-grade segment of the asset class has evolved, its current construct and attributes, and outline the benefits of allocating to EM IG corporate debt alongside traditional fixed income.
May 14, 2024
9 minutes
Victoria Harling
Alan Siow
The fast view
This fast-growing and increasingly diverse asset class – which has higher yields, lower duration and less leverage than US investment-grade debt for comparable credit quality – offers investors a high-grade complementary solution.
Through time, emerging market companies have on average maintained better credit fundamentals than their similarly rated developed market peers.
Despite the rising cost of refinancing, many EM companies are today well-placed over the short and medium term, having taken advantage of the ultra-low interest rate regime of recent years.
Deleveraging through 2021 and beyond has resulted in many EM companies’ leverage metrics reaching multi-year lows.
The more testing backdrop is likely to widen the gap between winners and losers, supporting a fundamentally driven investment approach.
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