The climate challenge is still daunting, but COP28 offered hope
John Green, Chief Commercial Officer and Annika Brouwer, Sustainability Specialist reflect on their time at COP28, the progress that’s been made and the highlights from a climate finance perspective.
The climate challenge is still daunting, but COP28 offered hope
John Green, Chief Commercial Officer and Annika Brouwer, Sustainability Specialist reflect on their time at COP28, the progress that’s been made and the highlights from a climate finance perspective.
“For me, COP28 marked an important step forward in the climate debate. This was the first climate conference where the conversation moved beyond policy to the practical, real-world work required to make the energy transition happen. Am I confident we’ll get to net zero by 2050? Not yet. But one thing I am sure of is that we will see a rapid expansion of the opportunities to participate in investments that deliver real world impact and commercial returns. That’s a conversation I look forward to having with Ninety One’s clients in the months ahead.”
John Green, Chief Commercial Officer at Ninety One
Authored by
John Green
Chief Commercial Officer
Annika Brouwer
Sustainability Specialist
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