In a recent article, we evaluated the health of the South African independent financial advisor (IFA) market post the Covid pandemic. We looked at statistics on the number and age distribution of IFAs active in South Africa, as well as the results from our 2021 IFA financial metrics review.
The article concluded that, despite the impact of the Covid disruptions, the investment advice market in South Africa appears to be vibrant and healthy. Some of the highlights were:
After the publication of the above-mentioned article, we fielded a number of questions from SA advisors on the topic of consolidating with another IFA firm – to manage challenges around succession and advisor retirement plans.
We therefore did some further analysis on advisor FSCA licensing data1 to investigate the structure of IFA firms in South Africa. Specifically, we looked at changes in the number of advisors working for small IFA firms versus those working for large firms.
The analysis of the approximately 13 000 IFAs with investment product categories on their FAIS licence2 revealed some interesting results, as can be seen in the pie charts.
The SA IFA market remains strongly entrepreneurial
Source: Pi FSI 2022 database. FSP refers to an authorised financial services provider
The main takeaways from these pie charts are:
From this data it seems that there has been some level of consolidation of smaller SA IFA firms over the past 8 years. This resonates with the increase in succession and acquisition conversations we have been having with advisors. The data also reflects the increased number of advisor practice acquisition transactions we have observed over the past 5 years.
Consolidations and acquisitions remain a hot topic of discussion in the UK financial advisor industry. Particularly, as the UK market has seen UK and internationally based private equity (PE) investors funding large-scale consolidations in the financial advice industry over the past 5 years.
A search on UK financial services websites3 and the Financial Conduct Authority's (FCA's) online portal yields several relevant articles on the topic of IFA consolidation. The FCA in the UK also publishes some useful reports4 annually, highlighting key statistics about the state of the UK advisor market.
Scanning through those articles and comparing the UK experience to the SA experience, a few observations stand out for us:
Given the huge amount of publicity of the UK experience, it is easy to get caught up in the frenzy and assume that consolidation should follow a similar path in South Africa.
While some consolidation is to be expected in South Africa, we believe that smaller, well-organised SA advice practices are in a better position than their UK counterparts. This is predominantly because of the less intrusive regulatory framework in South Africa compared to the UK, as well as the strong support local IFAs receive from outsourced local compliance providers, discretionary fund managers and investment platforms.
There are also some structural differences between the two markets:
In conversation with UK PE consolidators, the endgame strategy for PE investors remains unclear. We know that most PE investors typically sell out 5-10 years after the initial investment to liquidate their position. Given the large number of recent PE deals in the UK advice market, we should therefore expect many of these consolidated advice entities to be up for sale over the next 10 years.
But who will be buying them? When asking this question to UK market commentators, most expect that UK banks, insurance companies and asset managers, eyeing distribution for their in-house products, will be the likely buyers. Time will tell how that outcome will sit with UK advisors who have sold their firms to consolidators.
Reflecting on the learnings from the UK advisor market and understanding the drivers behind the advisor consolidation trend there, will help SA advisors navigate the trade-offs inherent in different succession options. Ultimately, this should lead to better succession decisions.
What can SA IFA firms take away from the UK experience?
At Ninety One, we frequently speak to advisors keen on either buying or selling practices as part of succession plans. Based on anecdotal feedback from these conversations, it seems that the SA market currently has more buyers than sellers. After the spike in IFA buying activity in South Africa between 2017 and 2021, potential sellers are now more circumspect and are evaluating offers and succession options more carefully.
We are always keen to hear your views on consolidation and succession planning. Please contact your Ninety One Sales Manager if you would like to share your thoughts with us.
1 Source: Pi FSI 2022 database. FSCA refers to the Financial Sector Conduct Authority.
2 The Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services (FAIS) Act requires that financial services providers (FSPs) be licensed.
3 See
4 See
5 Source: Pi FSI 2022 database