Rob Forsyth

Investment Specialist​

In the company since


Years in the industry



Rob is a senior investment specialist in Ninety One's Quality investment team, based in Cape Town. He is responsible for global equity idea generation and research. Prior to joining the Quality team, Rob was Head of the Industrial, Consumer and Technology sector in our Frontier & Emerging Markets team, a position he assumed in 2003.

Rob was previously a sector equity portfolio manager, whose responsibilities included the Momentum Industrial Fund (Unit Trust) and a building block of the SYmmETRY range called the Old Mutual Industrial and Consumer Fund. In addition, he managed the Investec Growth Fund unit trust for two years to 2001 and the Investec Global Consumer Fund for close to two years, after its launch in 1996. Rob joined the firm in 1995 as an investment analyst.

He graduated from the University of Cape Town with a Bachelor of Business Science degree in Finance.

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