In Road to 2030, we take a practitioner's perspective aided by both internal and external experts to ask the ‘what if’ questions and consider major changes to the status quo.
The project is laid out in five overarching themes followed by a scenario at the end. At the very least, the Road to 2030 is a horizon-scanning and risk management exercise. At its best, it provides a foundational understanding of the main drivers that will transform markets over the next decade.
How do we think about technological disruption?
Our history is defined by technology, and inevitably our future will be too. When we reflect on technologies that have changed the world, our tendency is to identify objects such as the wheel, the internal combustion engine, the internet, the mobile phone and more.
Looking to 2030, we identify five themes technology is enabling.
We use mindmaps to organise and articulate our thoughts about subjects that are conceptually complex, and below shows our theme technological disruption.
SAAS: Software as a Service
GANs: Generative Adversarial Networks