
Investment objective summary

  • The Fund aims to achieve total returns comprised of capital growth and income over at least 5-year periods, before allowing for fees. The Fund’s environmental objective is to make sustainable investments that aim to contribute to positive environmental impact.
Deirdre Cooper
Portfolio Manager
Deirdre is Head of Sustainable Equity at Ninety One. Deirdre is a leading voice in understanding...
Graeme Baker
Portfolio Manager
Graeme is a portfolio manager in the Sustainable Equity team at Ninety One. Graeme is co-portfolio...

Performance & returns


Portfolio & Holdings

Date as of 31/01/2025
United States
Europe ex UK
Emerging Markets
United Kingdom
Far East ex Japan
The comparative index may vary. As such the performance of the “composite” comparative index may consist of a combination of the old comparative index prior to the change and the current comparative index post the change.

Performance data source: © Morningstar. Performance based on NAV to NAV, net of relevant initial charge, gross income reinvested in share class currency. Other information referred to above, source: Ninety One.

The overall rating for a fund, often called the ‘star rating’, is a third party rating derived from a quantitative methodology that rates funds based on an enhanced Morningstar™ Risk-Adjusted Return measure. ‘Star ratings’ run from 1 star (lowest) to 5 stars (highest) and are reviewed at the end of every calendar month. The various funds are ranked by their Morningstar™ Risk-Adjusted Return scores and relevant stars are assigned. It is important to note that individual shareclasses of each fund are evaluated separately and their ratings may differ depending on the launch date, fees and expenses relevant to the shareclass. In order to achieve a rating the share class of a fund must have a minimum three-year performance track record.

For a full description of the Morningstar rating for funds, please see the attached guide. The guide is a third party-document and is for informational purpose only. We do not endorse or guarantee the accuracy of the information provided in this third-party document and we are not responsible for any consequences resulting from the use of the information contained in the guide. A rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold a fund.

The share class aims to make distribution as per the distribution frequency stated. Annualised Yield = Distribution per share / Record date NAV x Distribution frequency x 100%.

Warning: Please note that a positive annualised yield does not imply a positive return. Dividend is not guaranteed. Past distributions are not necessarily indicative of future trends, which may be lower. With regards to Inc-2 and Inc-3 share classes, the Board of Directors may at its discretion pay dividend out of gross income while charging all or part of the share class’s fees and expenses to the capital of the share class, resulting in an increase in distributable income for the payment of dividends by the share class and therefore, the share class may effectively pay dividend out of capital. Payment of dividends out of capital or effectively out of capital amounts to a return or withdrawal of part of an investor’s original investment or from any capital gains attributable to that original investment. Any distributions involving payment of dividends out of the Sub-Fund’s capital or effectively out of the Sub-Fund’s capital may result in an immediate reduction of the net asset value per Share.

Investment involves risks. Past performance figures shown and any forecasts on the economy, stock or bond market, or economic trends that are targeted by the fund(s), are not indicative of future performance. You may not get back the amount originally invested.

The portfolio may change significantly over a short period of time. This is not a buy or sell recommendation for any particular security. Figures may not always sum to 100 due to rounding.

It does not constitute investment advice, or an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security, investment product or service. Informational sources are considered reliable but you should conduct your own verification of information contained herein.

The Fund may use or invest in financial derivatives.

The value of the units in the Fund and the income accruing to the units, if any, may fall or rise.

An investment in the Fund is subject to investment risks, including the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Where an investment is denominated in a currency other than the base currency of the Fund, exchange rates may have an adverse effect on the value, price or income of that investment.

Potential investor should read the details of the Prospectus before deciding to subscribe for or purchase the Fund.   Investors should not make any investment decision solely based on this website.

Please refer to the Singapore Offering Documents (including the risk factors set out therein) and the relevant Product Highlights Sheet for details which are available at ninetyone.com/en/singapore.

Investors may wish to seek advice from a financial adviser before making a commitment to purchase units of the Fund. In the event that an investor chooses not to seek advice from a financial adviser, he/she should consider carefully whether the Fund in question is suitable for him/her. For more information, please contact your bank, financial adviser or visit ninetyone.com/en/singapore.

Past performance shown are not indicative of future performance. Investors are reminded that investment involves risk. Investors should read the prospectus and product highlights sheets of the funds which are available from ninetyone.com/en/singapore or any of the appointed distributors before making any investment decision. Please contact your financial advisor if you are in doubt of any information contained in this website. The value of the shares in the fund and the income accruing to the units, if any, may fall or rise.

By clicking on the hyperlink of Investor relations below, you are leaving this website with information specific for retail investors in Singapore and entering the global website.

Please note that the global website is not intended to target investors in Singapore. It has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (“MAS”). The website may contain information on funds and other investments products that are not authorised or recognised by the MAS and therefore are not available to retail investors in Singapore. The prospectus and any other document or material in connection with the offer or sale, or invitation for subscription or purchase, of the shares of these funds and/or other investment products may not be circulated or distributed, nor may such shares be offered or sold, or be made the subject of an invitation for subscription or purchase, whether directly or indirectly, to persons in Singapore. The website may also contain information on investment services / strategies that are purported to be carried out by an Ninety One group company outside of Singapore.

Any product documents and information contained in this website are for reference only and for those persons or entities in any jurisdictions or country where the information and use thereof is not contrary to local law or regulation.

This website has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Issued by Ninety One Singapore Pte Limited (Co. Reg. No. 201220398M).