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Flō Networks

Providing connectivity where it matters

Oct 11, 2023

1 minute

Fast view

  • Ninety One’s loan supported Flō Networks acquisition of American Tower’s Mexico Fiber and ATC Holding Fibra México.
  • The transaction will help improve competition in the sector and pave the way towards a sustainable and affordable connectivity solution across the Americas.

Sector: Telecommunication
Total commitment: US$300 million, Ninety One commitment US$15 million
SDGs*:  9 – Industry, innovation and infrastructure


Flō Networks is a leading provider of digital infrastructure solutions in Mexico, with a presence in other Latin American countries. Founded in 2001, the company provides dedicated internet access to midsized corporates, sells strands of fibre optic cable to telecom providers, and offers voice-over IP and fibre-to-the-tower services.


With the loan from Ninety One, Flō Networks concluded the acquisition of American Tower’s Mexico Fiber and ATC Holding Fibra México. The deal will enable Flō to expand and improve its network in terms of speed, reliability, and data security. Following the acquisition, Flō will operate over 22,000 miles of fibre throughout the US and Mexico and provide connectivity to nearly 10,000 enterprise buildings.

Contribution and impact

High-speed connectivity is a critical requirement for the efficient functioning of enterprises, and Mexico’s digital infrastructure needs to improve to avoid creating a potential drag on economic growth. This transaction will meaningfully improve competition in the sector and is a step towards addressing Mexico’s infrastructure investment gap.


*The SDG and related logos are referenced for illustrative purposes only and their use does not imply any endorsement of our products or services by the United Nations.

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