Sustainability and Stewardship Report

Our purpose is to invest for a better tomorrow. Our Sustainability & Stewardship Report details Ninety One’s work – on behalf of our clients and all of our stakeholders – towards a more sustainable future, with a deep dive into how we invest, advocacy and our corporate footprint.


  • Our approach to sustainability
  • Highlights, key figures and significant developments
  • Priorities for 2024-2025 
  • Invest – how we invest sustainably for our clients and integrate environmental, social and governance factors
  • Advocate – how we use our voice in the markets to advocate for positive change among investors, companies and policymakers
  • Inhabit – how we aim to inhabit our own ecosystem in a manner that ensures a sustainable future for all

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Sustainability highlights
  • 98% shareholder support for our transition plan, at the 2023 annual general meeting (“AGM”).
  • 44 completed transition plan assessments to evaluate progress of our top emitters towards delivering ambitious and credible transition plans.
  • 10.9% financed emissions and 26.6% corporate AUM, Science Based Target initiative (“SBTi”) commitments or targets approved.
  • Added new scenario-analysis tools to enhance our ability to assess climate risks.
  • Opened ‘Transition School’ for Ninety One investment teams to further develop sustainable investing expertise.

Our key figures

£5.3 billion

managed in sustainable strategies1

PRI scores

between 4 and 5 stars across all applicable modules2



16,000 carbon credits

purchased and retired with respect to Scope 1, 2 and 3 (category 6) emissions


proxy votes cast

25% reduction

in total Scope 1 and 2 emissions (location-based) vs. 2019 baseline

Contributed more than

£2 million

to education and skills development initiatives globally

As at 31 March 2024.

1Sustainable strategies are defined by Ninety One’s internal framework, based on the European Commission’s Sustainable Finance Disclosures Regulation (SFDR) criteria as at November 2019 for Article 8 and Article 9 funds
2Please see Appendix 6 for further information.

Transitioning our investments

Our targets


of financed corporate emissions and


of corporate AUM to have science-based transition pathways by 20303

3 SBTi aligned. Data as at 31 March 2024. Figures may not add to 100% due to rounding.

Our approach
  1. Prioritise heavy emitter engagement
  2. Assess corporate transition plans using own framework
  3. Aim for active engagement with 80% of emissions
  4. Grow allocation to climate solutions and transition investments
Our progress


As at 31 March 2024, 10.9% of our financed emissions and 26.6% of corporate AUM had set science-based transition targets.

Sustainability and Stewardship Report - Investments

Transitioning our operations

Our targets

By 2030, reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions by


Our approach
  • Reduce overall energy consumption
  • Search for credible renewable energy sources
  • Specific focus on energy-efficiency across offices
  • Carbon neutral Scope 1, 2 and 3 (category 6) emissions
Our progress

Sustainability and Stewardship Report - Our progress

Source: Ninety One.

Important Information

This communication is provided for general information only should not be construed as advice.

All the information in is believed to be reliable but may be inaccurate or incomplete. The views are those of the contributor at the time of publication and do not necessary reflect those of Ninety One.

Any opinions stated are honestly held but are not guaranteed and should not be relied upon.

All rights reserved. Issued by Ninety One, issued June 2023.