Sustainability framework


Sustainability analysis is integrated across our investment strategies. We also offer sustainable investment solutions.

Why we focus on sustainability

In focusing on sustainability in our investments, we seek to position portfolios to benefit from a deep understanding of externalities that, over the long term, we believe the market will price into the value of securities. This is central to our core goal of achieving long-term excellence for our clients.

We also believe active management has a unique role in facilitating the allocation of capital to support the shift to a more sustainable future. To fulfil this role, we look to invest sustainability through inclusive capital allocation, rather than divestment.

We have a firmwide controversial-weapons exclusion policy and will not invest in companies that are directly involved in the manufacture and production of cluster munitions, antipersonnel landmines, and biological and chemical weapons. At the request of clients with segregated portfolios, we can exclude specific securities, sections or countries from our ESG-integration portfolios.

Investments involve risk; losses may be made.

Read our Sustainability & Stewardship Report

Our approach to sustainability has three dimensions

1. Integration

We seek high-quality ESG-integration standards firmwide for all strategies. Our aim is to ensure that robust ESG-integration processes highlight material sustainability risks and opportunities. Our approach is based on the belief that, over time, the market will increasingly price negative externalities into the value of securities, and that investment outcomes can be improved by a deep understanding of material ESG-related risks and opportunities.

Ninety One’s investment teams have ultimate responsibility for managing sustainability risks and opportunities, and their own integration frameworks. In this, they are supported by several global functions:

  • The Sustainability team, which oversees and supports Ninety One’s sustainability ecosystem
  • The Investment Risk team, which includes a dedicated ESG Risk function that monitors firm- and portfolio-level sustainability risks
  • The Engagement & Voting team, which provides engagement support, guidance and advice to the investment teams, leads engagement action (where required), and assists with and coordinates proxy voting
2. Active ownership

Our engagement approach is driven by our goal to preserve and grow the real value of the assets entrusted to us by our clients over the long term. We take a targeted approach, prioritising engagements where we can exert influence. Where we believe engagement is ineffective or companies are not committed to change, we may use the ultimate lever we have as an investor, which is to reallocate our capital. Ninety One votes at shareholder meetings throughout the world as a matter of principle.

During the financial year 2024, we carried out 488 engagements and cast 15,006 votes.

3. Impact and sustainable strategies

Ninety One offers a range of strategies that focus on aspects of sustainability, including:

Climate change
Supporting decarbonisation by investing in climate solutions and transition, and adaptation to the impacts of climate change.

Access to services
Enabling access to healthcare, education, infrastructure and other important services.

Economic development
Promoting equitable development, for example through job creation, productivity gains and innovation in emerging markets.

We invest in a way that seeks to capture the return and growth opportunities from addressing these sustainability challenges. During the reporting period, we focused on expanding our range of sustainable strategies, enhancing our approach to measuring impact, and aligning to regulatory requirements.

Financial year 2024 highlights

Delivering on our transition plan and targets
Shareholder support for our transition plan
at the 2023 annual general meeting (“AGM”)
Science Based Targets initiative (“SBTi”) commitments or targets approved
Financed emissions
Corporate AUM
Completed Transition Plan Assessments
to evaluate progress of our top emitters towards delivering ambitious and credible transition plans
Added new scenario-analysis tools
to enhance our ability to assess climate risks
Opened ‘Transition School’ for Ninety One investment teams
to further develop sustainable investing expertise
Improving transparency and disclosure
Achieved PRI Assessment scores between
4 & 5 stars
across all applicable modules

Maintained signatory status to the
FRC UK Stewardship Code

Implemented UK’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
product-level disclosures and the
European Union’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)
periodic disclosures

Submitted our second full CDP report
Building sustainability-focused products and tools
Assets managed
sustainable equity and multi-asset strategies*
sustainable fixed income and infrastructure*

*As at 31 March 2024.

Developed an
Emerging Markets Transition Debt Strategy
which launched in April 2024

Developed new analytical frameworks
to assess companies for diversity, equity and inclusion and Just Transition

Ninety One Global Sustainable Equity named
‘Best ESG Investment Fund: Global Equities’
in the ESG Investing Awards 2024*

*Announced 7 March 2023. Based on written submissions assessed by a judging panel. Award organised by ESG Investing.

Ninety One Global Environment strategy won the ‘Sustainable Active Equity Manager’
at the Professional Pensions Investment Awards*

*Announced 24 November 2023. Based broadly on performance over 12m to 30 June 2023. Award organised by Professional Pensions in association with Aon.

Essentials of net-zero investing
Episode 0427 min20 Jul 2023
Sovereign carbon assessment

Carbon data is backward looking and needs a better measure at a sovereign level explains Portfolio Manager Nicolas Jaquier. In an interview with Sustainability Director, Daisy Streatfeild, he outlines the unique challenges he and the team face when measuring and assessing the net-zero impact of countries and how to align portfolios to this goal.

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