One year as Ninety One. Thirty years of active investing.

A letter from our founder and CEO Hendrik du Toit.

15 Mar 2021

2 minutes

Hendrik du Toit

Today, 16 March 2021, marks our first anniversary as an independently listed company, named Ninety One. And what a year it has been.

I doubt that anyone would have chosen to list into the toughest market since the financial crisis, but our rationale for forging ahead was sound – to unbundle a financial services conglomerate into two simpler, more focused organisations with the ultimate goal of creating long-term value for all stakeholders.

We proceeded, with the absolute conviction that this was the right course for all our stakeholders. Having completed the process by the time the pandemic crisis hit meant that we could put all our energy into serving you during a very uncertain time.

However, we’re not about the short term. Far more importantly, this year we also celebrate our 30th year as a firm. In 1991, a handful of us started Investec Asset Management – now proudly Ninety One – with a dream in mind. Over the past three decades we have been turning this dream into reality, serving our clients, shareholders, the community at large and the people who work in the firm.

For us, this is just the start. We are not thirty years old. We are thirty years young. There is so much yet to come.

We have continued to build carefully and organically with a long-term mindset on the foundation we first laid three decades ago. We have experienced momentous change in the world over this period and expect to operate in an even more rapidly changing environment in the years to come. We fully intend to seek the optimal investment outcomes for you in this world of change.

Our purpose since inception, now and always, is clear: Investing for a better tomorrow. We recognise that there is no point in doing so if we are not also actively working for a tomorrow that is, in fact, better. At Ninety One we pursue this purpose by always striving towards building a better firm, investing better and contributing to a better world. Therefore, sustainability and a meaningful contribution to sustainable development are central to our aspirations. COVID-19 only emphasised the urgency and relevance of sustainability to us all.

We thank you for your ongoing support, especially during this challenging year. We look forward to being of service to you in the years to come.

Yours sincerely,

Hendrik du Toit signature

Hendrik du Toit

All investments carry the risk of capital loss.

Authored by

Hendrik du Toit
Chief Executive Officer

Important Information

This communication is provided for general information only should not be construed as advice.

All the information in is believed to be reliable but may be inaccurate or incomplete. The views are those of the contributor at the time of publication and do not necessary reflect those of Ninety One.

Any opinions stated are honestly held but are not guaranteed and should not be relied upon.

All rights reserved. Issued by Ninety One.