Arita Sehgal


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Arita is an Equity Analyst in the Sustainable Equity team within Multi-Asset at Ninety One with a focus on sustainable investing and providing research ideas to the Growth, Income and Thematic Equity strategies across the Multi-Asset capability.

Prior to joining the firm, Arita was an Equity Analyst at HSBC Global Asset Management in London, with primary responsibility for generating cross-sectoral investment ideas across emerging markets.

Before this she worked for Rockefeller Capital Management in New York as an Equity Analyst generating sustainable investment ideas for global and emerging market equity strategies.

She started her career at Moody’s Investor Services in India as an Investment research analyst.

Arita graduated from the University of Delhi, India, top of class, with a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce and a Master’s in Finance. She earned an MBA at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Sloan School of Management. Arita is also a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) charter holder.