Imperial Consultants

Why corporates must act

Written by independent researchers from Imperial College London and Reading University through Imperial Consultants, this paper looks at the physical risks of climate change and its potential impact on corporates and financial markets.

20. März 2023

15 minutes

Dr Ajay Gambhir
Dr Shivika Mittal
Professor Nigel Arnell

Corporates embracing transition strategies

The physical impact of climate change already affects the productivity of corporates on a global scale and across sectors – but financial markets do not currently price in the full range or magnitude of these risks. The pace at which corporates embrace and implement transition strategies will determine how fast and prevalent physical risks will rise.

The study by experts from Imperial and Reading, led by Dr Ajay Gambhir, brings to life the extent of physical risk to corporates and the potential scenarios that might follow. This research integrates financial markets with the science of climate change.

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About Imperial College London

Imperial College London are at the forefront of climate finance and the study of natural sciences. Ninety One and Imperial College London have previously partnered a bespoke Climate Risk Education Programme to help our clients meet the challenges presented by climate change.

Authored by

Dr Ajay Gambhir
Senior Research Fellow, Imperial College London
Dr Shivika Mittal
Research Fellow, Imperial College London
Professor Nigel Arnell
Professor of Climate System Science, University of Reading

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